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Wanted: Kill Counter


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I'm not sure if this is even possible, but surely there must be something that keeps track of what you've killed and what you used to kill it.


I'd love to see a gun mod (a mod for a gun mod?) that would allow me to add a kill counter (similar to counter strike) to my weapons. I've got a rifle that I use pretty much exclusively, and I would love to see some sort of digital readout (similar to CS:GO weapons or the charge counter on The Last Minute) that I can add to my weapons to tell how many people/mutants/radroaches/ghouls/robots I've killed with it/them. I think it would be really interesting to see just how much genocide I've committed with my .45 Combat Rifle I've named Kindness (kill them with Kindness...get it?)


Just thought I'd put this out there! Lemme know what you think and if it would be possible!

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