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Texture Mods Suddenly Not Working


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Hey all- I'm having some weird problems with my fallout 4 game, the latest being the texture mods not loading. I have a ninja-themed character, so I have a ton of black on black on black mods that after the update seemed to all just pretend like they don't exist. I've installed them manually and with NMM, but no amount of tweaking gets these texture mods to overwrite the original textures. All my other mods are working fine, even the tricky ones, it's just textures that aren't loading. The only other variables are that I moved my game folder from games to programfilesx86 and back, I altered my inis to match the ones here and I swapped out extended armorsmith for additional armor slots. My ini's are these http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2208/? and my load order is screenshotted below. Any help would be highly appreciated by all, as i'm sure i'm not the only one with this problem.

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Also as you've noticed from my screenshot the texture mods aren't showing up on the plugin list like they did in Skyrim. I didn't think this was a problem since they haven't shown up on this list even when working, but worth mentioning I suppose since I dont think this is common either from what I've read.

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