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What does a vault need?


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Alright, some may have seen Cambragol's Vault 24 project, if not its Here

I'm in progress on Vault 105 (version 3), a vault heavily inspired by Cambragol's stupendous effort.


I want to create a vault with Everything a vault would have.

To do that, I need to know what that would entail.


The planned vault has a population of approximately 300 people (mostly unnamed NPCs)


my current list of planned stuff:


Entrance Level

* Entrance chamber.

* Airlock

* Freight Elevator to Storage levels

* Entrance Lobby

* Expedition room + Decontamination facilities

* Elevator Access to all levels


Storage Level

* Freight Access To Entrance Level

* Extensive Storage space organised by various types of goods

* Freight Access to Manufacturing Level

* Elevator Access to all levels


Admin Level

* Admin Lobby

* Overseer's Office

* Boardroom

* Overseer's Quarters (with room for entire immediate family)

* Admin Kitchenette

* Admin Offices for various officers (eg morale, security, science, and others)

* Operations Room

* Elevator Access to all levels


Living Quarters (note that a family constitutes two adults and two children/adolescents)


Penthouse Level 01

* spacious living quarters for 5 families

* Penthouse wet-bar

* Elevator Access to all levels


Penthouse Level 02

* spacious living quarters for 5 families

* Elevator Access to all levels


Note that the penthouses are a single Atrium based area.


Quarters 01

* Modest Living quarters for 16 families

* Elevator Access to all levels


Quarters 02

* Modest Living quarters for 16 families

* Elevator Access to all levels


Quarters 03

* Modest Living quarters for 16 families

* Elevator Access to all levels


Quarters 04

* Modest Living quarters for 16 families

* Elevator Access to all levels



Communal Level

* Clinic

* Diner/Restaurant

* Main Common Room

* Cigar Lounge (sorta a gentlemen's club, full of older men and a few younger whippersnappers XD )

* Vault Supply Shop (sells mostly things like turpentine and Abraxo, as well as various useful things like vacuum cleaners and so on)

* Cinema/Theatre

* Library

* Classroom

* Main Cafeteria

* Gym

* Elevator Access to all levels


Security Level

* Day Barracks

* Security Office

* Jail

* Armory

* Combat Sim chamber (tentative plan)

* Elevator Access to all levels


Manufacturing and Laboratories

* Freight Elevator to Storage

* Store-room

* Lab Offices

* Main Laboratories (split into various disciplines)

* Robotics Lab

* Manufacturing Area (mostly creates day to day supplies for the vault, also produces robot parts, ammunition and weaponry)

* Firing range (for robots primarily, sometimes farmed out to vault security for training)

* Combat Trials chamber (for robots primarily, sometimes farmed out to vault security for training)

* Geck Storage Room

* Elevator Access to all levels


Maintenance Level

* Maintenance Office

* Workshop

* Recycling and Garbage Incinerator

* Water Purifier (with a Water Chip)

* Fresh Water Storage Tanks

* Elevator Access to all levels


Reactor Level

* Main Reactor

* Reactor Control Room (overlooking the reactor area)

* Transformer Room

* Elevator Access to all levels



Have I missed anything?

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