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Scripted spells with animations?


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For a long time I've wondered as to how to make a spell that plays an animation along with the spells effect.


For clarification, One spell that I wanted to make was a spell for a bard that would start a lute playing animation as well as throwing out an Illusion effect like rally or that would heal others. The basic spell is simple enough to do in the construction set but I'm unsure about how to approach the animation aspect.


The animation would probably have to run as long if not slightly longer then the spell...not to mention if I wanted to add a sound effect to the script of the spell.


I tried before but with little success, any tips or ideas?

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The newest OBSE has a PlayIdle function that's supposed to force your character into a pose. So you can use that command in your spell script to force the player into a pose after casting the spell. If you want to actually change the spell casting animation itself... I don't know sorry.
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