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How do i edit the bonuses NPCs get when they level up?


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hi everyone.


I wish to try and balance the game in a way that the enemies are not incredibly deadly and bullet-spongy at the end and that balance is somewhat equal from beginning to end with no huge differences between low level enemies and high level enemies. like action games like Far cry 4, for example.


However im not a modder so i need some help.


i have FO4snip and FO4edit (the "conversion" from TES mod tools) and i can, to a certain degree, look into existing ESPs and change modded values.

as i said - im not a modder :P
but my ambitions are not that great so i might be able to get to where im aiming....

my intention is to tweak every bonus the enemy AI (npcs) get when it levels up minimal enough so the enemies never get to a bullet sponge state when their level is high enough and that they dont one shot you with the same guns that low level enemies need 20 hits to kill you.
i want the difference between enemies to be about the gear. not arbitrary value increase.


So, does anyone know how to point me to the values that increase health, damage resistance and damage output for the NPCs in the game??


also i want to stop the player from getting a health bonus with each level up.

if the player wants to icrease health than he has perks for that.

The mod "real world damage" has a plugin that turns the endurance and health offsets to 0.0 from 2.5 and 5.0 respectively but i'd like to know what is the endurance and what is the health offsets. what is the difference?


i know we cant do anything about the perks that magically increase weapon damage but that's OK. im not going there. if things "kinda" work with the small changes i do want to do than these perks should be "ignored", for now.


i will appreciate any help in this.


thanks a lot, everyone :)



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So, does anyone know how to point me to the values that increase health, damage resistance and damage output for the NPCs in the game??



You should be able to find them in the individual NPC's listing under Non-Player Character (Actor), then it seems the stats are listed under the PRPS - Properties.

Edited by lilkandeekid
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So, does anyone know how to point me to the values that increase health, damage resistance and damage output for the NPCs in the game??



You should be able to find them in the individual NPC's listing under Non-Player Character (Actor), then it seems the stats are listed under the PRPS - Properties.


thanks. thats a start :)


so let me see if i got this right:


1. every enemy has its type - so raiders have raider, raider scum, raider scavver etc.

if i want to make enemies less bullet spongy than i need to change the health of each of these raiders? and do the same to each entity?


2. is there a modifier that dictates how much damage the entity does? because i get a feeling like low level enemies barely do any damage to a high level character, even with the same guns that high level characters use...

i want to make all enemies do a damage that is close to what the weapon does. so low level enemies and high level enemies who use the same gun do the same damage....


3. is there a value that adds more health, damage resistance or damage to the actor?


4. what are these?:

health offset

stamina offset

calc min level

calc max level


will appreciate any help, as always :)

Edited by topeira
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There is a modifier that changes how much an enemy does, I can't remember the EXACT name but I know a mod "create your own survival" (or something like that) changes the modifier.


It's a global thing, so the difficulty of the game changes the damage modifier for ALL enemies (normal is 1, hard is 1.25, very hard 1.50 etc) and this also changes damage that YOU do (normal is 1, hard is 0.75, very hard is 0.50 etc) - probably why you get bullet spongey enemies.


I've tried doing the same, and if I'm honest you're best setting your level really high from the beginning so that all the Encounter Zones in the Commonweath have the same level/difficulty of enemies, this means the areas north and south wont be hugely different. Cause if you play the game "normally" then the beginning areas will be super easy and the end areas will always be super hard)


It's all very difficult to do just now, but once the Geck is out that will make things easier, for now all you can do (I think, this is what I did) is change the health of "known bullet sponge enemies" (like Super Mutant Warlord) and change the damage modifiers that the game difficulty chanegs.


Take the below with a grain of salt, I can do variables but these are a bit sketchy, my experience with them is all I have:


health offset - base "reference" for the game to calculate the enemies health depending on other settings (like health scaling) if you set this to a lower value then the health for that enemy should drop as well

stamina offset - Same as above

calc min level - calculates the minimum level the enemy can be in a certain area. If the enemy is in the South and the Player is level 100, then it will set the enemy to a level close to you

calc max level - same as above except the enemy level can't breach this limit

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