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What Am I Missing?


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I've downloaded and installed the Mod Manager. I've followed all the instructions as far as I can tell...revised the ini files, made sure certain files weren't read only, etc. The Mod Manager shows the downloaded / installed mods and they have little green check marks by them...which to me indicates "good to go". Then I start my game (Fallout 4), but nothing is any different. The two mods I have installed are Full Dialogue Interface and Configuration Tool.


Thanks for any help!

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For Full Dialogue Interface, I did the manual installation versus NMM version and it worked better. It doesn't really do much when talking with companions or traders, it presents better in full dialogue options for things like quests.


* Extract the included folders to your Fallout 4\Data folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data )


The above step tends to get missed.


As for the Configuration Tool, I haven't messed with it as I'm patiently waiting for the Geck.

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