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Problems with mge3.8.2, disappearing meshes when run as admin.


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I've not posted here before, but I'm at a loss. I really want to upgrade to mge3.8.2, but am having many problems.

For the record, I've been using the last stable version for quite a while without any problems, and I also believe my mod list's load order to be stable.


First, if I simply install and update the distant land, I get a message that basically says I need to update my distant land files and whatnot, that they are from a previous install.

And to be very clear, I have updated them since getting the 3.8.2. Several times.


I can get MGE to work when I tell it, the Morrowind .exes, and MWSE to run as administrator, and it works beautify from what I've seen. No problems with MGE when everything is run as administrator.


When I run as administrator and the new MGE works, however, many hair and face meshes disappear. I think better faces still works, but faces and added by some other mods give a missing mesh icon. Others seem to keep working, for some reason. I also noticed the argonian body textures had disappeared, I forgot to check the khajiit. (Liztail's New Beast bodies.)

I have yet to notice any other missing textures or meshes, just those ones. (Not as big an issue, but I also can't load any save games that were created before it was run as administrator either. Any new games do appear on the list.)


When I disable 'run as administrator,' all the missing meshes reappear and MGE stops working again. Downgrading to the last stable version works fine... but if I can I would like to use the newer one.


Any advice or help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.




Well, after a revaluation of the obvious sort, I figured out the problem.


For anyone having a similar problem, try running the BSA update/invalidation tool as administrator too. Doing so caused it to fix all those missing bits of mesh and texture, and my palm to gently slap my forehead in dismay at my own foolishness for not trying it hours ago.

Edited by Ankokoukaedoni
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