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Oof, Harvest[Containers] broke my saves


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I am in tears...not literally but...still very unhappy. Anyone had an issue with this? I saw the YouTube post of Harvest[Containers] in action and had to try it out. I thought it was a great little touch to an already amazing game, but after installing...I found an extremely annoying lag issue with all containers. It gave me about a 3-5 second delay when opening any containers or even when pulling up merchant menus. I promptly mourned the loss of the mod as I couldn't deal with this issue. But upon removal the issue persisted. So I reinstalled the game. And it stayed. So then after a bit of testing I can only assume the issue is with the saves that occured after I installed it. Kind of a bummer. I don't know if I lost awhole lot of progress. Maybe a bit of the Darkbrother Hood chain but it still kinda sucks.



Anyone know a fix?

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