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Remove the darned Allahu Akbar Fusion core drop


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Could someone make a simple mod to remove dropping the fusion core when alt is pressed? I can't even melee because almost everytime it drops the fusion core leaving me to blow up and reload the save, it is really, really annoying, I don't get why this was even added.



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You are asking about the last abiilty of the Nuclear Physicist perk where you can eject the cores as "devastating grenades"? Yeah, not sure why when you use that effect that you just drop them behind you. Removing that effect from the last perk would be very helpful, though another possibility is if you would actually throw these "grenades". Perhaps it could be made almost like a nuclear football if possible, or just use the standard animation of grenade throwing.

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I like Dragon's idea. Don't just remove it, make it so it can be thrown, kinda like when Liberty Prime throws the nukes. I think that whould be pretty neat to see made. Edited by Basil456
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I like Dragon's idea. Don't just remove it, make it so it can be thrown, kinda like when Liberty Prime throws the nukes. I think that whould be pretty neat to see made.

Yeah, Liberty Prime tossing his nuclear bombs was kind of like what I was thinking.

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