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Slow-fire automatic attack animation lag


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I am trying to create a riot shotgun with a low rate of automatic fire set to around 4.0. I have set the animation to "Attackloop" and the animation type is still "Two hand Automatic". The trouble I am experiencing is a perceptible delay between when the attack animation begins and when the first shot is fired. It would appear that fire rate in automatic weapons also creates a delay between when the trigger is pressed and when the first shot is fired - a "spin up" delay of sorts. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, what I am finding to be problematic is that the firing animation has no similar delay. The effect of this is that the weapon goes through one complete animation cycle - including kickback and the bolt sliding back - before the first shot is fired. On this first loop, there are no muzzle effects or sounds. It may be that all automatic weapons share this behaviour, and they're simply too fast for it to be noticeable. However, on a weapon this slow, it's looking decidedly buggy. It should be noted that if I tap the fire button instead of holding it down, the weapon fires immediately and there is no delay or animation bug.


Is there a setting I can tweak to get rid of this initial delay, or at the very least make it less noticeable? I've played with the animation multiplier and attack multiplier in the Art and Sound tab, and while this does seem to allow additional control over how quickly the weapon cycles, that "dry fire" bug at the beginning of the loop is still present. Semi-automatic fire delay min and max don't seem to be helping either.

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