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A sword to call your own. - a modded sword that evolves with your character.


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I know this has been requested before but it baffles me that no-one has made it. My idea is simple, and I know it is possible because the mod "the huntsman" by insanitysorrow (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57870/?) exists. I want to be able to have a sword that starts off looking about as simple as the iron sword and is about as effective as a steel one. over time as you level up you gain the ability to find and craft upgrades for the blade. the different upgrades could require different levels in different stats to obtain them. here are some of my ideas so far:


smithing level 25 - leather wraps arround handle that allow you to swing it slightly faster or something


smithing level 30 - nordic carvings (cosmetic)


smithing level 50 - elvish or dwarven crossguard replacement and blade edging (damage buff).


smithing level 75 - orcish serated blade (damage buff / bleed damage) or ebony reinforcement [black spine on the blade] (damage buff / block buff)


smithing level 100 - daedric or dragonbone blade plates. [essentially plates covering the old blade and sharpened, still revealing the sword underneath] (damage buff)


restoration level 50 - glowing white/yellow aura (damage buff against undead)


conjuration level 50 - Blue Daedric runes (banish daedra and drain magica)


destruction level 50 - Red Daedric runes (extra fire damage)


alteration level 50 - Magic Emerald Pommel (buff defense while blocking)


illusion level 50 - Magic Saphire Pommel (muffle while sneaking)


other trinkets not obtained through leveling:


pommel spike (buff bash damage)


Stendar's mercy [amulet of stendar wrapped arround the bottom of the blade and crossguard] (extra damage against vampires) - found at the vigilent of stendar HQ, with or without dawnguard


Dragonslayer chain [chain coming off the pommel, possibly the skyrim logo] (damage buff against dragons)


Talo's voice [amulet of talos wrapped arround the bottom of the blade and crossguard] (shouts cooldown quicker)


World eater's tooth [chain comming off the pommel, one of alduin's teeth] - reward for killing alduin (damage buff)




Obviously some of these trinkets cannot be used together, like the two divine amulets, or any of the pommel attachments or chains.


The main purpose is to have a sword that evolves with you throughout a playthrough and is relatively unique to you by the end.


I understand how hard it can be to have so many different variants of a single sword, but i believe that it's possible.


thanks for listening ,


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