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You're now addicted to... Everything.


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So far I've found most of the console commands you can use for the entries on the Wiki:


AddictionCount 001eb998 AddictionMedX 00245ac5 AddictionAlcohol 00245ef1 — AddictionMentats 00245ef3 — AddictionBuffout 00245ef8 — AddictionPsycho 00245efa — AddictionXCell 00245efc — AddictionDaddyO 00245eff — AddictionDaytripper 00245f02 — AddictionJet 00245f05 — AddictionOverdrive 00245f09 — AddictionBuzzBites 0024615b — AddictionLorenzoSerum 0024615f — AddictionCalmex 00246bf5 — AddictionFury 00246bfe



Now from here, using the proper console command with the common name or hex entries should make you addicted to these items.




player.getav AddictionJet will show you what your current score is for Jet addiction in the code.


Next, you figure out what is the max threshold to set addiction. Now here's where even I got stumped and potentially why there isn't a file for it: attempting to set the file to player.setav AddictionJet doesn't actually seem to do anything in regards to the addiction itself, meaning you can set it to 1000 and it *might* make you addicted the next time you puff on the inhaler, or it might not, but it has no bearing in the game itself once done. Same for setting it to -70.00 which is the default value for addictol's no addiction, if addicted, it won't remove the addiction.


I even went so far as to take 8 mentats in rapid succession to get to addiction 205.00 in the game which seems the threshold might be 200 for addiction, but it didn't turn over through changing commands via console, meaning it likely won't do it through batch files either.


Sorry this wasn't more helpful, but maybe someone better at the nitty gritty of coding can shed some light?

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