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Auto Combat Shotgun increased fire rate.


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I hate how the Advanced Receiver on the combat shot gun has a higher fire rate than the Powerful Automatic Receiver making it pretty much pointless. I would love a mod that made the Auto Shotgun actually feel like a rapid fire weapon and justify the lower damage and higher rank of the Gun Nut perk you need to build it. Thank you to anyone taking the time to do this and have fun in the wasteland :smile: Here are pics of the mods i can put on the shot gun just so you can see my situation and for the record I have 4 points in the Rifleman perk and 4 points in the Commando perk. https://gyazo.com/1656337886350307fa52de180abfd7da and here is the other https://gyazo.com/760a7b0174797a10326a44dec7852bd6

Edited by WorldFighter21
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Doesn't look like this is doable right now with the tools we have, attackspeed variables in the weapon mods aren't changeable.. You may have to wait a week or so while the guys that are creating FO4Edit iron out the kinks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's actually pretty easily doable. All that's required is to change the speed modifier on whichever auto receivers you wanted to increase the rate of fire on. I would assume that it wouldn't conflict with any other mods that didn't directly alter that/those mods, but I can't be certain.


Edit: I'm just now realizing when this was posted and wondering why it was bumped for a non-related (sort of) reason. Ah, well. But like I said, definitely something that could be done with the current version of FO4Edit.

Edited by Maleficus04
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