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Help needed:Horse (Prior Maborel) stuck at Imperial Prison


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Can someone pls. help me.

I am using saddlebag+call steed+ dude_where's my horse mods.

Somehow my horse which I got from Prior Maborel has ended up stuck outside the prison in the Imperial City. (I think I left her there at some point).


I have tried mounting her and fast travelling to Chestnut handy stables outside the city (and many other places) but the horse won't go with me. All I get is "your horse is stationed outside the city gate" but I check the map and she's where I left her - back outside the Imperial prison.

I even tried using the Call Steed spell but it did nothing.

I have also tried riding through the gates from the prison quarter to the Imperial city but she does not follow.


What is going on and how can I get her out of there?

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Try using the console to delete and then respawn your horse somewhere else. Or maybe it's just stuck in a wall. Delete (disable) the wall, and see if that works.
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