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Console Commands Interface


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What I'm looking for is a way to say, click a button to "player.setlevel #", where the number is able to be set by an arrow or something. The mod would be able to do this with most other commonly used console commands, such as those to add perks, add spells, adjust shout cooldown, change race or gender, change or FORCE AVs, etc.
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Um, that just defeats the whole console concept...lol


Instead it would be easier to just offer all those settings from MCM user interface, where you have controls and info tips and whatnot and not even bother opening the console at all.

For example there is a ConsolePlugin that you can use from papyrus scripts to invoke console commands without opening the console.


Really the only thing I use the console for in settings is SetLevel A B C D on my hijacked followers ( hijacked = not normally a follower) so they level up with me.

Since there is no papyrus script equivalent function.

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I have a reason, albeit obscure. Simply put, I can only use a controller to play. I'd like to think that this sort of mod could be useful for others as well, who would find inputting console commands with a controller useful.


As an aside... I also cannot use MCM. I can explain why if you're interested, but it's... complicated.

Edited by layziegtp
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