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Request: Naming Settlers, Keys tab, and an In-Game Junk sorter


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So when I go-a-moddin, I usually go with vanilla things. I like the roleplay aspect of the RPG, so though atom bomb babys make me giggle, I most likely won't install them. Mods for me are just things that make my life easier, better, or help make the game more imersive. I'm a programmer, so I thought I'd try my hand at Fallout modding for the first time. "How hard could it be?" I said to myself.




Well. Until I get that down, I suppose I can put up a request, see if anyone more experienced thinks these should be in or has ideas on how to do them quickly. Never really know.




Naming Settlers

I do love the settlement system, even if it lets me down constantly. I know more people want more management stuff with it, and frankly I do too, but I'd like to start with something simple. Naming settlers.


I pondered why they didn't do this to start, and it goes back to the old RPG attage. If they have a name, they're important. A quest is associated with them or something, so not naming every pleb does make sense. However, inevitably I'll have a settlement of three people, assign them to tasks of farming, scavenging, etc, and then an hour later on a visit 13 other people are roaming around clueless as to what to do (and complaining there isn't enough beds. I didn't realize my sultry voice was so attracting to settlers)


So then, who did I assign to food production? Who's got what bed? Who can move out of town because they're new and who's lived here forever and has the minigun for personal defense?


Keeping track of who's doing what would start to be a lot better if settlers had a random name. When walking up to them, it'd say "Settler - Alicia Morrison", or something such as, so at least I know they're not a named NPC, but they have a unique identifier.


Random name generator is pretty easy in of itself with three lists. Male names, female names, and surnames. Randomize and pick. Getting the names to stick? Yeah, that's the part I have no idea on.

I imagine there is already a huge amount of data stored about them as semi-persistants (using programmer logic, not experienced modder logic. The same person exists at my settlement, I give them equipment, I can send them to another settlement and they can arrive). Is there a name space then?

I unno.

Keys Tab

Beyond hating that I've invested so much into lockpicking and hacking to find that every freaking building has a key or password, negating not only my diligent leveling of those two perks, but also denying me the experience I get from doing it, but then it's destined to clog up my misc tab FOR-EV-OR. Rapidly loot a body, half see a note with someone's name on it, then have to pour through 50 keys and passwords to try to find the note. It's worse if it's a holotape. Because passwords ARE holotapes, so sorting by picture stinks.


What I don't get is, when I'm transfering to containers, keys and passwords don't show up under misc. So clearly there is some kind of identifier between them.

A pip boy header of Keys would lighten my day, or something easily to see in the misc screen between "I am a password you'll never use again" and "I am the holotape you picked up"

Junk Sorting

If I'm honest, I might have OCD. At least digital OCD anyway. My real life is clutter, but I try to keep my inventories in games, neat unt tidy. There's an ice cooler in my house in santuary for cooked food, a milk machine for drinks (because the nuka cola machines aren't containers anymore. Grrr). I keep armor in a chest of drawers, helmets in a box on top. Explosives go in one box, heavy weapons and past weapons go in the cabinet above the power armor. Armor for my settlers is convinently stored in the bin in the hallway, and I have a box by my merchants for the stuff I'm going to sell them once they replenish their caps.


And then there's junk.


If I'm honest, I don't mind sorting junk. I'm a packrat, and if I can pick it up, I'll pick it up. I think it's kinda cool that all the items you pick up finally have some kind of use, and it's even better it's rebuilding society.


But I'm noticing as I play, there's a significant chunk of time I spend sorting items. Yes. They did finally add tabs to transfering with containers, thank Liberty prime, but there's there's still a lot of stuff to sort out.


I don't use the "store all junk" button like I should. I keep prewar money and ciggerette cartons and cigar boxes, because I can get a hell of a lot more out of them than the components they're made of. I like to keep trophies, like the guilded grasshopper and the treasures of jamacia plane. And there are also other things I keep to decorate with, like clean plates, vases, and the fake roadway I'm going to build on top of the gas station from all the toys cars and trucks I get is going to be awesome and you wish you thought of it.


I'm weird but I can play how I like.

So there's about 20 items I'm always looking for out of a junk pile of about 100 items. While I've become a wiz at sorting it, it still takes time. Sorting aid, armor, and weapons is even worse because there is stuff I want to keep on my person in there, while I want to dump all the bloatfly meat into the workshop for cooking whenever I feel like it.

I'd love if there was a station I could build at a settlement that I'd walk up to and intereact with one portion of it, and it'd take out items, either that I designate to keep or designate to go into the workshop pile, leaving me with the rest. Being me, I'd like to keep it in game of course, though that seems problematic. Best idea I had was a locker row type item with multiple storage containers in one model object. Objects put into one container creates an exclusion list of items to be kept in inventory or removed from inventory when another part of the model is interacted with, and those items are either kept waiting for after items are dumped into the workshop inventory.


That's a dream anyway. A list I can add object IDs to to be dumped into the workshop would probably do the same thing. But it would get me back to killin' and questing faster. Which is what i'm looking for.



If any modders out there are bored and have ideas on how to implement these, are working on these, or want to just make them, I appreciate any comments, critiques, help or otherwise.

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