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Mod issues. Need help


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I'm having some major issues with my mods, primarily the cosmetic mods, i.e. cosmetic compilation, liquid eyes, acids extravagent, rens beauty, akh eyes, and all hair and eyes. For some reason, not a single one worked the way it was supposed to, I only got maybe 7 new eyes maximum with any of them and with the cosmetic comp, I couldnt change the default hair and eyes for any race. I tried fixing it myself, but got completely screwed, I now have no torso or feet, and hands are a solid purple for every race and on every save. If anyone knows how I can fix this, which of these mods drastically conflict, and which is the best one(s) to have I would greatly appreciate it.


Also, I'm not sure which mod is doing this, but I cant go to the Imperial City without the game crashing at some point while I'm there. I'm asmuming it has to do with an IC affecting mod, but I've disabled all at one time or another and it still happens...ARG!!


Last thing I promise! I have a few vampire mods such as KI Vampires, Kenshes Vampire, Aznar's Vampire's long craving. I know that there are major conflicts between these, therefore I ask for advice: which one is the best? If I dont have the best, a link to would rock!


I also have MMM, OOO, TNR all races, DW tweaks, and all the natural environment/unique envirnment stuff. Do any of those conflict and if so, which is the best to have?


Thanks to all!


"If life is a dream, better one fear the waking."

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You're not getting all the content from your cosmetic mods because when you have more than one mod that affects hair and eyes, the first one in the load order will override the rest (or at best conflict severely). You have to merge them together using a program like Oblivion Mod Manager to get the benefit of all. I'm puzzled as to why you'd use both Ren hairs and the CC since there are already Ren hairs in that mod.


OOO and MMM will conflict, and it's possible that's causing your IC crashes, though I wouldn't swear to it. Your best friend in using them both - even Francesco's and Bob's Armory, if you end up wanting those -is a program called FCOM, found here:




I suggest you read the article on archive invalidation on those same pages to fix your invisible body parts problem.


I can't help you with the vamp mods, since I'm using a smaller one different from any of those.

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SickleYield: I disabled all of the other beauty mods I had when I got the cosmetic comp, but the characters I already had using stand alone rens 1.1 wouldnt recognize rens with the comp. I have so many files floating around the directory something mustve been screwed somewhere, so I'm just gonna start over, would FCOM still be recommended after this? Thanks for the help!



Povuholo: I wasnt using TNR compatable. Didnt even think about that till you mentioned it, thanks. Mightve been responsible for something bad happening.

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Actually, FCOM would be even easier to set up if you're starting over. It comes with detailed instructions. And you definitely want to have it if you're using any combination of OOO and/or MMM and/or Francesco's and/or Bob's Armory.
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Actually, FCOM would be even easier to set up if you're starting over. It comes with detailed instructions. And you definitely want to have it if you're using any combination of OOO and/or MMM and/or Francesco's and/or Bob's Armory.


Right on! I just downloaded it, but it's being a pain in the ass. How do I change the load order of esp's?

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