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ACTUAL hot rod flames paintjobs.


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Being an avid fan of hot rods (and even a trained metalworker, but alas not allowed to work with it due to allergies), I was sorely dissapointed with the so-called hot rod paintjobs in the game.

Having never been a fan of scallops, I simply replaced those with some decent woodland camo paints, but I really would like to have some "proper" flames on black paint for the flames paint job.

However, seeing as I'm completely incompetent when it comes to art stuff, I'll have to ask here to see if someone could take pity on me and do this for the PA's.

Here's a few examples of the paint job type I'm talking about:





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Well if we're gonna go that route then we definitely need some gritty metal flake, too!


Not actually a fan of metal flake :/


But sure, why not? There's at least three paintjobs for each suit, after all (four for the T60)

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