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scary and extremely dangerous nights


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i would like to see a mod based on making the player wanting to spend the night in an interior cell. something like adding realy dangerous and fast enemies that only apwn at night. or something like i am legend


Fast zombies could fill that role, but maybe nocturnal blind deathclaws would be more fearsome.

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Maybe fast Ghouls, dark skin (black) retexture with white eyes and call them something like Shadow Ghouls. Put them all around the Mojave and only enable them at night.


Charred ferals might be a good analog for the shadow ghouls if one didn't want to create a new sub species. Black charred skin with faint tracings of red that is often seen in terminal burn victims can make a really visually striking/ghastly impact. I'd guess surface tissue damage from heat wouldn't be any more or less traumatic than the typical surface level necrosis all ghouls suffer from.


Another nocturnal predator could be tunnelers. They'r supposed to be (if I recall ulysses correctly) expanding out into the Mojave at some point. They'r subterranean existence has resulted in a strong adverse response to light (they flee from flares and flashbangs) and so would be exclusively nocturnal (I would think). They'r ridiculously overpowered for their size IMHO but if you need something formidable, a pack of them would probably fit the bill. I'd suspect they were probably filtering out slowly into the Mojave before the ending of LR, but I could be wrong.

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Charred ferals sounds pretty good, black skin with red tissue tracings might not be all that hard to do with a bit of careful colour shifting of the original ghoul textures. Throw in some tunnelers and that should make for a pretty bad night out in the open.

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that should make for a pretty bad night out in the open.

Yeah could make for a very atmospheric mod. To reinforce the theme I think a few additions could go a long way;

  • Maybe changing the shader for cateye/night vision to make it less bright like a real star light scope.
  • Maybe using one of the ENBs with a truly dark night.
  • Maybe scripted special effects in interior cells.
On the scripted special effects I was thinking some audio and visual goodies when the player was in an interior cell of small freestanding building like a shack or some such.


Audio would be fairly straight forward, just lifted directly from the critters. Then we could pair some of the roars of the deathclaws with some impact sounds and visual effects like cam shutter and the falling dust. That way, it seems like a deathclaw or other critter is hitting the shack (impact, cam shutter with falling dust from the roof), heightening tension and sort of reducing that hard line between the safe interior and the deadly night (at least giving that impression).


The reason I thought this might be do-able without editing every interior cell is that I think it could all be run from a quest script. The cam shutter is a function (TriggerHUDShudder), playSound is a function, and I bet the falling dust could be just a placeAtMe (since it would be zapped after use they wouldn't add any save game bloat) based on the players position. All tht would really need to be done to customize each location would be just to add the interior cell to a formlist the script checks against (getInCell, getCurrentTime).


This way at random times of the night, the player could be in a shack or small building and hear some creature shuffling around. Sometimes it would just be an ambient noise or two, at other times there could be a boom as the critter slams into the shack and the players pov shutters along with dust falling from the roof/ceiling.


But since we havn't even heard back from the OP this may not even be a live request :sad:

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that all sound exactly like what i was going for. like the shadow ghouls could vary in size.withen a few boundaries of course. but like on spawn it randomizes hight and size and if the number reaches a threshhold it would add a prefix for both extremes. like hulking shadow ghoul or runt shadow ghoul. of course that would probably be some what complicated script wise

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