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can't uncooking


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i follow all instruktions but it didn't work.



i hope anyone can help me :smile:


there is the wcc.log

[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Read only mode: no
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Root path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Base path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Data path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Bundle path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bundles\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Temp path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\..\temp\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager scanning for contentSource 'eContentSource_LooseFiles'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] CContentManager: no cooked language files found. Defaulting to EN
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager::ScanForLooseFiles...
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager: content scanned in 0.00 sec
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager: contentChunk 'content0' with 5 files
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager: Total 5 files across 1 manifests
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager::ScanForDlcFiles under 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\dlc\'...
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] ScanForDlcFiles: no dlc packs were found!
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CContentManager: DLC content scanned in 0.00 sec
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] Save directory set to 'C:\Users\aPo\Documents\The Witcher 3\gamesaves\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Found 13 engine configs in path C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\base\
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Found 0 engine configs in path C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\developer\
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Found 2 engine configs in path C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Found 2 engine configs in path C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\platform\pc\
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] User settings applied to config registy.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Config legacy path: 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\legacy\'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Found 8 engine configs in path C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\audio.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\gameplay.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\hidden.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\hud.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\input.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\localization.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\postprocess.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading in-game configs from file: C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\bin\config\r4game\user_config_matrix\pc\rendering.xml
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Decompression thread started
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Dependency cache loaded in 0.00s, 221794 entries, 675158 deps
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Dependency cache: 4.27MB, mapping: 3.38MB
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Dependency mapping built in 0.01s (5.08MB)
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Depot will use dependency cache
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'Boot' in contenxt 'Boot' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'Boot' in contenxt 'Boot' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'WorldLoading' in contenxt 'WorldLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'WorldLoading' in contenxt 'WorldLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'WorldStreaming' in contenxt 'WorldStreaming' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'WorldStreaming' in contenxt 'WorldStreaming' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'SceneLoading' in contenxt 'SceneLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Core] Loading priority for tag 'SceneLoading' in contenxt 'SceneLoading' not set. Defaulting to Normal Priority.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Loading priorities initialized. Current mode: Boot.
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Initializing depot took 0.0 sec
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] Object system intiialized
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][PLM] BES_Initializing
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] Engine running with command line parameters 'wcc_lite uncook -indir=F:\Spiele\The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt\content -outdir=F:\The_Witcher_3_Uncooked\content -imgfmt=tga -dumpswf -skiperrors '
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Core] CShaderCacheResolver: enabling saving
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] Using static shader cache from 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\staticshader.cache'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Shaders] ShaderCache 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\staticshader.cache': includes out-of-date (loaded 8044133792607476943, actual: 0)
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] CCollisionCacheResolver: attaching 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\collision.cache'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Warning][Engine] Collision cache corruption: index file header is corrupted
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] CShaderCacheResolver: attaching 'C:\Witcher 3 Mod Tools\r4data\shader.cache'
[2015.12.04 07:32:13][Info][Engine] Waiting for content manager took 0.11 sec
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] Localization manager using: text=DE, speech=DE
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 	Available text languages (18):
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		PL
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		EN
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		DE
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		IT
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		FR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		CZ
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ES
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ZH
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		RU
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		HU
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		JP
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		TR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		KR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		BR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ESMX
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		CN
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		AR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		DEBUG
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 	Available speech languages (18):
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		PL
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		EN
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		DE
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		IT
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		FR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		CZ
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ES
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ZH
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		RU
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		HU
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		JP
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		TR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		KR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		BR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		ESMX
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		CN
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		AR
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 		DEBUG
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] 	Default langauge: EN
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] CTaskScheduler initializing with 4 task threads
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Net] Thread Started
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Spam][Net] Initialised
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Warning][Core] Trying to create property seeds in class CParticleEmitter - type hashmap:6,Uint32->Uint32 unknown!
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Warning][Core] Trying to create property modifierMap in class SItemTagModifier - type hashmap:6,CName->Float unknown!
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] Reindexed 2956 classes in 4.743ms
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] 311 classes are accessed via pointers
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info]["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Started processing bank names - count [0]
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info]["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Starting loading always loaded banks.
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Warning][Core] Resource extension 'w2w' is already used by class 'CWorld'. Trying to reuse it for class 'CGameWorld'
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] Class 'CGameWorld', inconclusive
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info]["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Always loaded banks count [301]
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info]["SoundFileLoader"] CSoundBanksWhileInitTask - Finished processing.
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Spam][Net] Listening for incoming connections on port 37000
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] Initialized service handler at port 37010
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] Loading scripts
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Engine] Trying to load scripts from 'x64.release.redscripts'...
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core] Loading compiled scripts:
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - version: 5
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - time stamp: 19/10/2015 15:02:16
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - app version: BUILD_VERSION_FULL
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - platform: x64
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - configuration: Release
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Info][Core]  - crc: 0x0000000000000000
[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Error][Assertion] Assertion Failed: (i >= 0) && (i < (Int32)m_size)
Array: Out of bounds. Cannot access item 61 as the array is only size 0
 This is very bad as the program could be about to write to invalid memory location 00000000000003D0

Debug Information

Commandline: wcc_lite  uncook -indir=F:\Spiele\The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt\content -outdir=F:\The_Witcher_3_Uncooked\content -imgfmt=tga -dumpswf -skiperrors 

Current Thread:

Thread ID: 6092

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x292602 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x28becb - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x290169 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x28a75b - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x6e2060 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x6e020e - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x2161f4 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f0f518 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)







[2015.12.04 07:32:29][Error][Exception] Red Engine Crash Log
Build: 3.0.BUILD_VERSION_FULL  P4CL: CL_INTERNAL  Stream: STREAM_NAME P4_SHELF [ Compiled Oct 16 2015 ]

User: aPo

Crash reason: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT (2147483651)

Crashed Thread:

Thread ID: 6092

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x292602 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x28becb - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x290169 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x28a75b - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x6e2060 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x6e020e - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x2161f4 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f0f518 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)

Debug Information

Commandline: wcc_lite  uncook -indir=F:\Spiele\The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt\content -outdir=F:\The_Witcher_3_Uncooked\content -imgfmt=tga -dumpswf -skiperrors 

Thread ID: 5252

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b42145 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 2724

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3ca79b - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3ca8c0 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 6052

RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 5924

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3e5307 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 5912

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3e5307 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 6040

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3e5307 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 6044

Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x3e5307 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 6036

select() + 0x15c - <Unknown File>(0)
select() + 0xdd - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b75dc5 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b74fce - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1b7c3b8 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f185f7 - <Unknown File>(0)
Scaleform::GFx::System::Init() + 0x1f18816 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 5896

BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 6020

BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)


Thread ID: 5668

DllUnregisterServer() + 0x45ad - <Unknown File>(0)
DllUnregisterServer() + 0x48a6 - <Unknown File>(0)
BaseThreadInitThunk() + 0xd - <Unknown File>(0)
RtlUserThreadStart() + 0x21 - <Unknown File>(0)

Edited by aPo2k7
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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems that you've installed mod tools into Witcher 3 Mod Tool folder so path to wcc_lite contains spaces - this is not good :smile: So as a first step you can reinstall the ModKit and name its folder differently

And, there is something wrong here:

Commandline: wcc_lite  uncook -indir=F:\Spiele\The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt\content -outdir=F:\The_Witcher_3_Uncooked\content -imgfmt=tga -dumpswf -skiperrors 

you shouldn't specify content folder in outdir, so try:

 wcc_lite uncook -indir=F:\Spiele\The_Witcher_3_Wild_Hunt\content -outdir=F:\The_Witcher_3_Uncooked -imgfmt=tga -dumpswf -skiperrors 

And, here is tutorial from Gopher:

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