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Is there a "Body Guide" for FO3 or NV?


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I always find that replacing a body model gets complicated, specially if we wanna keep the variety and add body mods instead of replacing and using the same model for everyone.


To my (limited) knowledge, it requires creating a new race (in GECK) and assigning the meshes and textures, however there is so much more in the subject, like outfits and all other sorts of objects like googles for example, hair models, face make up, nails, list goes on...


(It probably gets really complicated when messing with variety of enemy models like for example having original raiders + MMM raider variant + Type 3 tattoed female raiders + Breezes male raiders + HD retexturtes for outfits and so on)

Is there any topic or place where one could find a "guide on add/edit or alternate bodies" that explains how all of this more or less works?
Or maybe people with enough knowledge on the subject would be able to answer some querys so that we would try to put one together little by little??


Anyway, reply if the topic interests or you would be willing to answer some of my doubts :)


Question 1 - How do I go about adding a new body model to the game without replacing any of the existing ones?

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