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Extinction Difficulty, a good idea?


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"Extinction" Difficulty


Survival Difficulty Stats + No Fast Travel + Walking slowly drains AP + AP regenerates very very slowly (As fast as walking, but has to be stationary) + Food only increases AP, to heal needs Stimpaks + Limbs are only regenerated by doctor + Character needs 8-hrs of sleep every day + game time is as fast as real time (e.g. 1s game time = 1s real time).

Edited by The6thMessenger
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It could be good idea, however, except for ''Walking slowly drains AP'', since we can walk for more than 10 to 12 hours slowly in real life without rest. However, I agree that after a continuous amount of time drain in game, a bar,showing how exhausted you are, could affect the combat ability and carrying capacity of yours. 1s game time= 1s real time would not work, unless the game map is of REAL size of Boston, current map is too small for such configuration. Food only increase AP is an great idea, however, we will need extra effort to regulate the drain of AP. I propose, that the size of AP maximum decrease over a extensively long time of AP drainage action, say, jumping and running. And food restore AP MAXIMUM slowly, instead of just increasing AP.


The AP maximum part can be hard to code, but if there is a demand, there will be supply.

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