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Mod Idea...True Evil characters possible


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I was thinking about this after starting an Evil character I realized that Bethesda was forcing us to be good like they did in Skyrim. You have to follow the main story within their guide lines. I know there are evil quests in the game, but as far as main story goes you have to help Preston's group or ignore the quest which just doesn't feel right to me. I was wondering how someone could mod the game to allow a evil play through. After watching a video on youtube about not being able to go evil by ZiggyD Gaming( here ) I realized that through some scripting and adding a different quest option someone could make it so you help the raiders kill Preston and them and then you ally yourself with that group of raider and the help them take the settlements for themselves and become their leader instead of the minutemen like Ziggy describes in his video. I know this would be a major mod and a ton of work, but if someone did this that would be amazing and of course if done like I described please give Ziggy his credit.

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