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Weapons mods as components...


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Part of my Fallout 4 mod includes the ability to use weapons mods to build/craft base weapons. I do this by assigning all weapons mods into one of five component categories: rifle stock (wood or metal), rifle receiver, scope, sight, barrel, magazine, and the same for gun barrel, magazine, etc.

Not a perfect system but it makes use of all those mods you build up and is a stopgap until CK and we can do scripting.

However, there is a problem: with some people who have a lot of weapons mods stored (and I mean alot) the sytem works fine until you try and transfer items via workbench. Then CTD.


So, I'm wondering if anyone might be able to help me come up with a workaround.

A secondary issue: has anyone found a way to produce an exact type of armor or base weapon? Right now you might craft a T-45a, b, c or a hardened hunting rifle, recon rifle, etc.

Thanks for the feedback.

PS: Got ballistic weave working with my crafting armor station. :)

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