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Collisions, Collisions, Collisions.


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I've been banging my head against the wall trying my best to figure out how collisions work.


In one of my modifications I flipped the model 90 degrees in nifskope to create some vertical flags. However a problem decided to come along for the ride. The collision appears to be taking the original collision and I can't see it in nifskope, nor can I adjust it.


Are the collisions not viewable in nifskope?

Are they located in fo4edit?

Are they placed under some weird, unknown value?


I'm really trying hard to figure this out but maybe some others have some insights on this.

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Collisions have always been a bit hardwired once inside a nif, I always built mine in max to fit a new model or rotation etc, I believe there is a way inside the new collision settings but not sure exactly and as s#*! is still in alpha for FO4 meh, not worth my time to figure out yet. IF this is in regards to FO3 there is probably a way :P

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Collisions have always been a bit hardwired once inside a nif, I always built mine in max to fit a new model or rotation etc, I believe there is a way inside the new collision settings but not sure exactly and as s*** is still in alpha for FO4 meh, not worth my time to figure out yet. IF this is in regards to FO3 there is probably a way :tongue:


Got my answer from two sources. One of them being you. Cheers.

Just can't edit collisions quite yet.

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Collisions have always been a bit hardwired once inside a nif, I always built mine in max to fit a new model or rotation etc, I believe there is a way inside the new collision settings but not sure exactly and as s*** is still in alpha for FO4 meh, not worth my time to figure out yet. IF this is in regards to FO3 there is probably a way :tongue:



I've never built collisions in Max, where the heck is that? I am learning rigging though, is it in there eventually?


We need snappable settlers DDProductions. I haven't seen two settlers holding hands and walking yet. (I am serious about the above question though)

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If you are learning about rigging, you will be learning about collision. But Not collision as in games like bethesda. Collision mesh for Skyrim for example is mostly a simplified version of a mesh you are using that is supposed to act as collision, that way players does not walk right through the object. You can read more about it here: http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/topic/3883-exporting-static-meshes-from-3d-studio-max-to-skyrim/


As for Fallout 4, it uses Havok physics to cover collision on objects, so we are far from a solution here yet. I thought we could use the free Havok PCSX, because I have that, but the program is 32-bit and FO4 is 64-bit. Got some hope that the GECK will give us what we need, doubt it though.

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