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Improving workbench and supply lines?


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I have a pretty simple idea/request that I think would be (relatively compared to some mods) to do, but I don't know if the tools to do it are available just yet.


Basically what I'm imagining is that when you put something in one workbench you can pick it up at another workbench that it has a supply line to. Not just the components, but the actual item. So I could like say put a weapon in the one in Sancturary, then go pick it up in The Castle. To me this is how they should have worked in the first place, since it's like the components (items) are just "shipped out" via caravan anyways, then for gameplay reasons you just don't have to wait for it to actually show up to use the items.


Since the supply lines already cause some of that linking, the big question is just can it be modified into a shared inventory, like the workstations within a settlement share already.

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