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Coming back, need help


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I purchased and played Oblivion when it first came out but took a break as i really missed alot of the mods I had used in Morrowind. I figure enough time has passed and want to come back to the game. I am having a hard time finding good mods and was hoping you guys could recommend some. I am looking for weapon, armor mods. Retexture mods. Better heads, better bodies. Better combat. Better lighting. And a better leveling mod. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
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If you like are upset by the lack of evil in the game, you should try the totally awesome mod: Servant of the Dawn. I'm afraid I don't have a link for you, but it shouldn't be too hard to find on this site.
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I strongly recommend Franchesco's Leveled creatures/items mod, which you can get here.


Also, Martigen's Monster Mod (MMM) is excellent, which adds lots of new creatures, and also has an optional download with a ton of new weapons and armour. Find it here.


Another good place to look would be here: http://devnull.devakm.googlepages.com/


It has an excellent list of quest mods and texture overhauls, as well as a few other useful things such as a link to the definitive guide to using mods in Oblivion.


Finally, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (OOO) is also great (find it here), but bear in mind that it isn't compatible with Fran's or MMM, unless you use FCOM: Convergence, which can be found here.


Have Fun! :)

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For bodies, I prefer Robert's Male Bodies and Corwyn's Fantasy Figures (alpha at this point), although to avoid being flamed I should point out that there are many other female body mods with many big fans. I've redone most of the game armors and OOO meshes to fit Corwyn's, and AcidRain has done the upperclass clothing; just a matter of time before one of us does lower/middleclass. I also have a clothes mod out for Robert's so you can see Robert's bodies under/with the clothes ingame.


Some other female bodies include Exnem's Eye Candy (athletic with giant breasts), Growlf's Hot Bodies (Barbielike - big breasts/bum, tiny waist), and Biu's Athletic Body (slim and athletic all over, small breasts). BAB has tons of clothes that come with it as well as integral replacement to make all the game armors fit it, from very modest to very skimpy/sexy, and is probably the most popular. I don't know much about Eshme's, but it has some very devoted fans.


A lot of people install Growlf's and then install Biu's over it in order to use Biu's body and clothes with Growlf's tiaras, claws, and other fantastic accessories. He's made a TON of stuff for his body too (a lot of it in the very scanty range coverage wise) and it's quality work model and texture-wise.


Robert's new head textures are my favorite, and they come with his body mod. There aren't a ton of new head mods that actually change the default game meshes - some add new heads for new races, like the Lilmothit (sic?).


I also recommend the FCOM mods very strongly, but you'll need to be able and willing to mess with load order in Oblivion Mod Manager and Wrye Bash. (Both must-have programs either way.)

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Finally, Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (OOO) is also great (find it here), but bear in mind that it isn't compatible with Fran's or MMM, unless you use FCOM: Convergence, which can be found here.


Have Fun! :)



The newer MMM-releases come with a OOO-compatible option. Works great and seamlessly together. OOO also has a lot of new armors and weapons.


Concerning textures, I'd recommend the Oblivion texture overhaul on the already linked page of dev_akm. If you have an overthetop system, QTP3 will be the best you can get.


character creation: Beautiful People

Better face textures: Enaylas facial textures

combat behavior: Deadly Reflexes

Charleveling: KCAS


I think all of these can be found on TESSource.

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