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Oblivion Golden Saint Skin Grey


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I have recently tried and believe that that the mod I tried using http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/30060/? is what caused the sing for the Golden Saints to go golden grey after updating to the newer version of the mod. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall time again and again to fix it but I haven't had any luck, I have did a crude censor job lol, I tried reinstalling HGEC Body a few times and the texture packs I use, never had problems with the previous version of the mod I used till now not sure if it is that mod or not.




I have went into the meshes and textures for the saints and seducers tried deleting them so they would go back to normal vanilla but didn't work :( all mods affecting them where deactivated to try my manual fix I stillhavent gotten anywhere closer then ere I was.

Edited by mesathedark09
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