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Armor DMG id's


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Forgive me if my terminology is wrong on this post.

Does anyone happen to know the id codes for the armour benefits?


I want to be able to add various benefits, I already know the values for explosives:

        {"name": "enchantment", "value": "00245AC6", "type": "id", "mode": 2}, // EnchPA_Explosives
        {"name": "keyword", "value": "00238412", "type": "id", "mode": 2}, // dn_HasMaterial_Explosives
        {"name": "actorValue", "data": {"id": "00245AC5", "value": 2}, "type": "id-float", "mode": 2}, // PA_Explosives_AV

I want to be able to add things like radiation resistance etc?

Sorry if I haven't explained this very well.

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Guessing it would be under Object Effect, although in the past, base effect an actor effect were often all used in combination, which I think is base effect, object effect?, actor effect, or just spell, kind of messy to tell the truth. For that in FO4Edit you would start looking an hold Ctrl an left click on stuff to jump around, for example if the one you were looking for just listed another type of effect, but wasn't the control for it for one reason or another, you would Ctrl click that an it would jump there.

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