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More mod for the power armor and weapon


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Fallout 4 has been an awesome game but when modding the power armor or some of the weapons it seems kind of small. I mean you have to waste 4 perk points in gun nut, armorsmith, or science. Just to be able to upgrade you armor or weapon just a little bit more. Kind of thought there would have been more mods to work with as I got to a higher level but nope have to just wait for someone to mod.

So this tread is about mod ideas for weapons and power armor. Any ideas are welcome here just a few of mine.

The Power Armors right and left arms need mods that allow better stablizing for hip fire or when using your sniper rifle. I mean come on bathesda all the mods for power arms have to do with close combat.

Another Power armor mod that comes to mind is a mod that makes your power armor more moble in the water.. So you don't just sink to the bottom of the river when you jump in. Lol I mean if your guy can mod a power suit to have a jet pack, he should be able to mod it to be more moble in the water..

As for gun mods, the main one I'm wondering about is if someone's working on modding the gauss rifle a bit. I think the gauss rifle needs a automatic fire mod for starters and more ammo capacity.

Edited by MoonSchott
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