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Stage Progression


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I was wondering if someone could help me out? I am making a quest involving several creatures around Tamriel. I have the first stage starting, but I can't figure out how to get the quest to progress to the next stage after the first creature is dead.


If someone could help me out or point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.




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Put this script on the creature:


scn YourScriptName

begin ondeath
setstage YourQuest X

X is the quest stage number.


As soon as the creature is killed (by anyone/anything) the stage will be set to X.

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Put this script on the creature:


scn YourScriptName

begin ondeath
setstage YourQuest X

X is the quest stage number.


As soon as the creature is killed (by anyone/anything) the stage will be set to X.



Kudos, and thank you. I was so close. I had almost the identical script but I had it reading GetStage, anyway thanks for your help I do appreciate it.




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