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What a Pain in the Ass


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Three mod managers and two installations later I decided I'm not interested enough in playing Oblivion to go through the modding required for it to be tolerable.

At one point it almost worked, but it persistently refused to allow the viewdistance sliders to stay where they were put, and I decided I gave zero shits what the problem was.

As far as Vanilla Oblivion, I don't even consider it playable.

Every TES game requires more work to be functional/not hideous and wildly unbalanced that I have totally lost interest in the f***ing game by the time it actually works. If it actually works, which it doesn't.

Morrowind is by far the most stable of any of these, unfortunately I find the entire aesthetic of Vvardenfell hideous and would rather adventure in an art deco gay porn museum than step foot on that island. All a bunch of insectoid architecture and 80-year-old looking women makes me think of is that it's some veiled reference to Fallout (anachronistic, I know, but Fallout 3/NV/4 and Morrowind share the lust for the ugly).

If only they'd make a sequel to Daggerfall. That game had numerous unplayable bugs and was hideous, too, but at least it was actually a sandbox (I give a s*** about the main quest in any TES game, which is usually super cliche, comically easy, and boring at that) and didn't take ten f***ing hours worth of modding to get it to work.

Edited by cheimison
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I wonder if this surge in bitter anger is recent overall or I have only been noticing it myself wherever I've happen to be looking.


Anyway, I think these things are more or less personal taste. Most people who like to mod retro games probably like and still play Morrowind with all the best mods the modding fans have to offer of course. What really got me by your post was "mod managers". They've all failed me (like 3 or 4 different ones that I've tried out there -- for Oblivion and Skyrim) and I'm actually pretty good at clean and bug-free installations for the most part. If anyone can recommend a stable mod manager (even an older one that was recently updated -- I stopped checking long ago....).


On a side note my last complete reinstall of Oblivion was nearly pristine withs TONS and TONS of mods but it failed my only slightly (in part because of managers) and in the end that was just not good enough for me sadly enough. After years and years of playing it off and on (more off) I wonder if one day maybe I will ever get my most perfectly modded game of Oblivion going. If I do I will think of you my friend, briefly, with a happy song in my heart.

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it persistently refused to allow the viewdistance sliders to stay where they were put, and I decided I gave zero shits what the problem was.

This doesn't happens in a vanilla game (which never alter those sliders by itself), but it must be caused by mod.


If you don't even know the cause of this behaviour (which is pretty clear to me even if you don't say your modlist), then you didn't read the readme of the mods you've installed, so you're the only cause of all your problems with Oblivion and you don't even deserve support.

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