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well i will just get to the point and kindly ask if someone could make a more belly dancer like body i'm not saying that this applies to ALL belly dancers in the real world but this is just to my tastes


-bigger hips

-toned but not muscular abs (from dancing obviously)

-firm hips and bust (cheast, breasts however ya say it lol)

-slightly toned thighs and legs (like it has a bit of muscle)

-the waist actually looks slightly more realistic but small enough to make the hips pop out a bit




yes i have seen UNp, CBBE, UNPB but most of the time the chest is too big (or butt) and such tiny waist that it almost looks like barbies (gross ik) i actually have a dance video of one of my favorite belly dancers watch if you wish :smile: (i have posted several for different perspectives on different dances to get a better view)














I humbly ask for any modders to please atleast look into it at the very least i'm not wanting any textures and all that just a simple skeleton replacer is all i ask :smile:



i kindly thank you for your time :D



Edited by LoonaShadow
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