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More Superhero Ideas


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So I would love to see the vault suits re done into the fantastic four suits, with some alterations.

For johny storms add in the jetpack ability and if possible the animation of being on fire without the consequences.

For invisible girls stealthing makes you invisible.


For the thing I was thinking a power armor retexture to have his jumpsuit and rocky skin, or just a suit that makes your hand to hand perfect and your defense and strength huge.


Now reed richards is a tough one, since he is stretchy, and I can't really think of anything other than extending his melee and hand to hand range signifigantly. He is also a genius so hacking and robot perks while in his clothes may be an idea.


I just think it would be fun, and after seeing the jetpack vault suit it struck me that at least if you were being johnny storm it wouldnt be that weird to see you flying.

Would also love to see iron man combat armor and mask , because the power armor looks like a hulkbuster, and with the flames coming out his feet you could totally make a realisitc tony.


Thanks guys.

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