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[Request] Items highlighter! (Not just mats or people)


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Hi everyone!


Well, I'm here today to make a request, cause it seems I cannot do it myself! :sad:


See, I have a mod to highlight dead corpses in red (Lootable corpses highlight, thanks xatmos) and I tweaked it to highlight people in yellow (and retweaked it to stop highlighting people you are in conversation with). Very cool! I also have a mod to highlight junk/materials... (Scrapper Highlight Expanded, again thanks to xatmos).


And what I'd like now would be a mod that, when near, weapons and armors be highlighted... I tried to clone Lootable corpses highlight (again) but all the ways I tried didn't seems to highlight them... Is it because of the conditions? Or because it's a weapon? Who knows? I don't!


And xatmos (since you seem to understand a lot more the I) , if you know how to do it, but don't have the time too, just drop me a line telling me how and I'll post the mod (or give you what I did, hey, your the master here!)


P.S. I wondering if there is also a condition that can check if the weapon is being held... So that when WeaponBeingHeld = 1 then don't activate...

Edited by Vortaka
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I would love to highlight all loose items in the world, but I don't think it can be done without proper scripting. Corpse highlighting works by a cloak spell (identical to the way the Power Armor Targetting HUD works), and unfortunately only "actors" are targettable by non-script spells, not objects. The highlighting from Scrapper rank 2 (which does run on objects) seems to be hard-coded or script based, I can't find any spell effects related to it, so it also can't be changed at this time (other than adding scrap components to items which categorizes them irreversibly as junk :mad: ).

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