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Book Perks


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I quite enjoy the Book Perks mod from Fallout 3, and I noticed that Fallout 4 also has something similar.

Unfortunately nobody ever made such a mod for FNV. It'd be nice to see.


I haven't tried the fallout 3 mod listed abovev, but I do like the fallout 4 version of magazines much better than FONV's. Part of that is because of each issue being unique(ish) (I especially get a kick out of the astounding magazine's subject and cover art) and partly because I just like the game mechanics of a unique perk being learned instead of a timed skill bonus.


I can't promise I'll make a full set, but if some balanced and cool ideas are thrown around the thread, I may try and make a few (time permitting).


I suppose a good spot to start would be with the FO4 mags (assuming national publication) like the astounding series and the existing FONV skill mags (they would function differently, useful only once......is that the way they work in the FO3 mod?), but some new NV/Las Vegas themed mags would be very cool.

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The reason no one made a book perk for New Vegas is there is not enough skill books in the game. Fallout 3 had over 300 and New Vegas had far less then that in the base game without the DLC.It wouldnt work that well unless the skill magazines were included.


Of course not. You can put as many skill books or magazines in the game world as author of the mod desires.

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