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Custom Sounds


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FO4 edit, find a similar sound so the other settings will copy with it, then you would copy as new entry into, a new file. Though you would need to understand editor ID naming conventions. Which is just picking a custom name for things you can keep up with on a project basis. We can put zzz at the begining an our area code at the end, if you fear that it would ever be called upon in a script, though maybe not as important without a GECK. Numbering helps too, but as 001 002 003 004 005 so it will stack after 10, an such. The GECK sets the sound loudness balance with attenuation settings, so just use the raw sound no matter how loud it is, an use attenuation static or curve depending. I've even seen weapon makers that used all mono sounds, an had the GECK play it stereo, werid, idk much about it, been a while.

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Sorry I should have developed my post.


I'm looking for something very specific within FO4Edit


I'm aware of file requirements locations etc etc


What I need to know is where is the firing sound triggered in FO4Edit.


For example, I can find the gamma gun firing sound, however, in the gamma gun weap tag, the firing sound reference is nowhere to be found. I can replace the sound but I want a new sound which causes the issue I have.


I can insert a new sound but WHERE do I tell the new gun to use it?

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