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I don't want to live in an Ork or Raider Shag!


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(And neither in my house from 2077 nor in the Institut.)


I simply don't get it: People nowadays are able to mod energy weapons, but they forgot how to use a water level, a saw and so on. Even a broom seems to be a mysterium ...


Of course times are hard, especially for the small and far away outposts, but at least the inhabitants of an organized and growing community should keep / remember civilisation.



What I'd like to see:


- brick walls (perhaps with small wooden frames for easy connection with existing parts) - abandoned towns are the source for the material


- wall elements with windows (no, holes in the walls don't count) - probably it's hard to find larger pieces of glas and our settlers go for lattice windows


- door elements with the standard size of wall elements which would ease building significantly and could be used for interior walls as well


- roofs which could be called so (there is radiated rain!) - corrugated sheets would be ok, but shingle roofs would fit even better I think


- more wooden and metal wall and floor elements - just for the variation - allways 'craftsman's style' ofc


- perhaps some colored elements - color of god quality is difficult to find but it might be enough for a scumble



And all the same is true for the interior: Why do our settlers prefer to decorate their houses with scrap, unfunctional stuff, damaged furniture and the like?


I know it's hard to add missing parts like water-taps right now, but perhaps it's possible at least to reskin some 2077 elements into 'not new, but clean and functional'.


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Until nifskope or other tools that allow the import of new models to make new .nifs with (the model format that Fallout 4 uses for everything) then this can't be done without replacing stuff which is also a huge hassle, once the tools are updated however I am planning to do something like this.

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