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Updated Launcher will disable MODS on launch, find a fix here.


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This problem was in the BETA, I'm assuming it went live today as my game did not update since I'm in the beta and I did not need to reinstall any of my mods. What the update did was break the data launcher, which forces the plugins.txt to go blank. I'm "pretty" sure you don't need to reinstall any mods and you can simply get away with opening NMM and clicking the plugins tab at the top because NMM sees your ESP's regardless of manual install or not just make sure they are all selected then exit and set your plugins.txt to read only.

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This may have already been mentioned but here's a fix I personally use.

Dowload the Fallout 4 Configuration Tool. Open the configuration tool, click the Settings tab and look for an option to replace the default launcher. Clicking this makes the configuration tool replace the launcher. In reality what it does is rename the "Fallout4Launcher.exe" to "Fallout4Launcher_Original.exe" and replaces itself as the new launcher. You'll still need to open the game via Steam (Or NMM if you prefer.) but this will bypass the need to run the Fallout 4 Launcher. As mentioned this does work via NMM as well so it won't disable your mods/change your ini files. Speaking of ini files if you have Notepad ++ use this to open both the Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini files.


Notepad ++ keeps a backup copy of whatever files it has opened while those tabs remain open. Using this you can actually track whenever a program makes a change to your ini files. Let's say you set your ini file just the way you want it and you accidentally run the launcher (The default launcher that is.) and it mucks around with your ini files. As long as you don't close Notepad++ or those tabs the program will notify you that they've changed and allow you to choose whether you want to reload the ini file or keep the existing copy open. If you don't like the changes or didn't want them simply save the ini file again. But the best practice is to just create a backup copy of the ini files. I regularly make a backup of both I just add .BAK to the end of to ensure I have spares in case something happens.


EDIT: Note about the launcher, you'll need to replace the launcher each time Bethesda forces through an update to the game. It always replaces the launcher with a new copy if it detects it has been modified.

Edited by SamusKnight2K
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Using F4SE seems to be the easiest method. I was avoiding using it till I had to but now is as good a time as any I guess. I don't have any mods that require its use yet.


Any downside to using F4SE currently? Is it stable and ready for widespread use?

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Using F4SE seems to be the easiest method. I was avoiding using it till I had to but now is as good a time as any I guess. I don't have any mods that require its use yet.


Any downside to using F4SE currently? Is it stable and ready for widespread use?


Can't say for certain. I don't believe F4SE actually does anything beneficial as of yet. The launcher method I mentioned above only affects how the game starts up and ends there. It seems good enough for me personally. Don't get me wrong, I'll be definitely using F4SE once the GECK comes out and along with it mods that use scripts. I use SKSE for Skyrim and I wholly trust the team behind the program. However with Fallout 4 being so new right now and there being no real reason as of yet to use the program I'll just leave it out. That and for each Fallout 4 update you'll need to wait for an update to the program as well since anything may break it/cause it to no longer work.

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I reinstalled my esp mods, then did the read only option on the plugins.txt file....................everything worked fine HOWEVER when i then close the game and try to reopen NMM it comes up with a warning about my plugins folder being read only and do i want disable read only, can't remember which option i chose yes or no but it reset my plugins folder and made it blank apart from the fallout4.esm, which option do i select to prevent this from happening, don't want to have to keep doing this everytime i open NMM?


I'm assuming i should have chosen 'No' right?

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Anyway here is a temporary fix, go to http://f4se.silverlock.org/ and download the Fallout 4 beta 1.2.37 file


Copy all files into ur FO4 (steam-steam app-common-Fallout 4) now open NMM and go to Settings-Fallout 4 under Custom Launcher thers a field called Command, type in f4se_loader and save. Now enable all ESP´ S as the update disables them, go to Top left Corner on the NMM and change the Launch Fallout 4 to Launch Custom Launcher, should work.


Long explenation for newcommers.

Will this disable achievements? I always thought using anything other than than the regular game launcher would do that but I could easily be wrong :)

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I run F4se, and will I have to turn on NMM and enable my mods to run F4se?

Since now I have to enable mods from NMM not the built in support from the launcher, I hope this gets fixed soon.

Edited by GentlemanlyPyro
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Guys you can't complain that this is not fair, or that it's stupid. Bethesda said right at the start that mods won't be supported until next year, the reason for this should be obvious, the first few months there will be updates and patches. All of these can break mods, not intentionally but they can all break them. Once the patches are done or at least slowed down then they can be confident that the code will remain solid enough for mods to be supported. They didn't cover this up or pretend any different. Mods will be supported next year and only then can we expect patches to not break them

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