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As I sit here


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As Ginji, or 'Stanger' as everyone in this desolate hole calls her, sips her wine, she imagines what the bar wall would look like if she nailed everybodys head to it, or to the barman for that matter. She shakes her head, those days are behind her now.


She is 5ft 9in--5ft 10in in height, she has skin the colour of varished oak, she has a 2ft black blade on her her left hip and a black bow on her back. She wears a black robe with dark chainmail underneath.


She is a 'Retired' member of the Dark Brotherhood.


She's 'retired' as the DB think her dead, a fact she has been using to destroy it completly. They once tried to get her to kill hey dearest and closest friend, Pete, but she refused. They then got another to kill him and sent others after her, she slew them with ease but, leaving one alive, she pretended to fall off the roof on which they had been fighting, the one she spared told the rest that she was dead.


She now tries to restart her life as it was before she had even heard of the Dark Brotherhood, going from place to place looking for work.

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