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Working Bowling and Pool Table


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I am starting to see mods pop up for displaying items like the bobblehead stand (nuka bottles, robot models, magazines, weapons...), and it got me thinking that maybe there was a way to create a bowling alley object that held bowling pins and balls as a sort of display stand functionality. This led to thinking about a pool table that could do the same thing with pool balls. I know it will probably take the CK to get anything to function, but it would be really cool to be able to bowl and play pool in your settlements (perhaps eventually even your settlers can use these items?). Maybe the 'throw grenade' function could be used for bowling balls?


Anyhow. This would be a really cool mod to have.


Thank you for your time.

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  • 6 months later...

Digging this up to ask if anyone had any plans to mess with the pool table. It would be cool to see settlers interact with it in their free time or have it so that you need to collect a table, rack, full set of balls, and two cue sticks in order to make the table active. Once it's active then it raises the happiness of settlers slightly. I realize this would take a custom animation and a bunch of extra work but was just curious if anyone was making this a reality.


If anyone is working on something like that I'd like to toss in an additional idea. A rack (could be the same model as the test tube holder-but larger) that would hold cue sticks and function like the magazine rack does. Interacting with it would let you deposit cue sticks in the inventory and when you exit they are neatly arranged in the rack. I'm just tired of setting my pool tables up in settlements and having everything fall through the surface shortly after I leave and come back.

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The CONTRAPTIONS DLC will allow the construction of a working bowling alley, since it focuses on rolling ball physics (see the promtional vid). If it implements ball-to-ball collisions, you could at least make a Giant sized snooker table,


For more advanced mods- it seems that ANIMATIONS are the issue. I don't think I've seen much in the way of even simple or ported new animations- most current mods seem to subvert existing animations for a different purpose.


Bowling could be done with an INVISIBLE object with a 'ski-slope' for the ball. The invisible mesh would move with the player when bowl mode was activated, and 'bowling' the ball would simply place the ball on top of the slope.

Edited by zanity
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If someone went as far as creating a mod with full physics for the pool table that would be incredible, more than I envisioned. I really just imagined something similar to the way the merchants use a rag to wipe the vendor surface clean. Maybe an animation of them taking a generic shot. If animations are a problem right now though I'd pretty much settle for just the cue rack, haha.


Now that I think about it though, maybe an animation would be a waste of time since most of my settlers spend all their time on top of roofs and buildings.

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