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What's your favourite race?


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Dark Eleves, they are good in every possible combat style and, c'mon, Oblivion is a combat RPG.


Plus, you get 75% resistance to fire, when the game is mainly sending you to hell, and the nice "Ancestor Guardian" to distract enemies. It is a pity that he's too weak to do damage later in game, but of course there's a mod for that.


It is also the only race I have played.


Also, imperial seems a very average race to me.

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In Morrowind I tended to like Bosmers only becasue at the get-go they could start with 70 marksman which -ruled-! though having them all sound like Fargoth grated on me *smirks*.

Now though, it's not as high, and my other all time favorite was Altmers with the Antronach Birthsign - pure magic tank. Getting around the stunted magika is just a matter of alchemy, which boost intel up to 100 in less tha 10lvs. It rocks!


In Morrowind it -would- have been Argonians because they had a bonus to spear fighting (which I loved becasue it trained endurance and I just like spears), but their feet prevented me from using the boots of blinding speed so I had to change styles.


Oblivion style, I still like Altmers with Antrnach Birthsign (I just cannot get away from it...), with a second favorite being a tie of the Khajits / Argonians for my sneaky characters.

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