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problem with mods :(


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Sorry if this is asked before but Im new here. Um well, I downloaded a whole bunch and put it in data files and all that stuff. But whenever I click it all oblivion wont properly load. And when I removed it and added some my character is missing eyes. (I have the beautiful people pack, custom race) etc Can someone help me please? I just got the game today and I really want to play.
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You most likely have a load order problem. You need a program such as Oblivion Mod Manager and/or Wrye Bash that will allow you to view and change it.


We can't tell you exactly what's causing it without a list of the mods you're using and what order they're in right now.

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I will list the mods. Oh another problem is that the animni is not working. She has no eyes cat ears and tail. Nor does rens beauty pack work. Oh and when I started the game one of the blades was an exclamation point which is REALLY WEird....

* is the one I have on


10% hand to hand block

bigger trolls orges

animal resize

nekulors ai overhaul


lockpick molds

adventures gear*

animni race rens beauty pack full*

animni race rens beauty pack hair only

akavira kojima

alive waters

all shapes and sizes

armour values

arrows in cell 3x

arrows remain 7.5 min

attack and hide (easy medium and hard)

beautiful people

brew house


cheydindal petshop

cold effects

crowded cities 15

crowded cities 30

crowded roads

deadly reflex

dude wheres my horse

goblin war party

farther npc attack

dwemer spectacles*

natural habitat

natural weather

natural water

natural vegetation

no psychic guards*


open cities +cats and rats*

oscuros oblivion overhaul*


salmo the baker*


boar mount*

deer mount*

slaughterfish mount*

thieves arsenal*

unconcious for five minutes*

unsafe streets*

warge riders*


I hope you can help me with my problem. Please and thank you.

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Firstly, I strongly suspect nekulors and Oscuro's are incompatible - Oscuro's isn't going to work with most other overhaul-type mods (except for Francesco's and Martigen's through FCOM). Try loading Oscuro's before nekulors and see if that makes a difference.


You'll have to merge all your cosmetic mods (those affecting eyes and hair) with a program like Tes4Gecko, or else you will only see whichever mod's eyes/hair load first.

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  SickleYield said:
Firstly, I strongly suspect nekulors and Oscuro's are incompatible - Oscuro's isn't going to work with most other overhaul-type mods (except for Francesco's and Martigen's through FCOM). Try loading Oscuro's before nekulors and see if that makes a difference.


You'll have to merge all your cosmetic mods (those affecting eyes and hair) with a program like Tes4Gecko, or else you will only see whichever mod's eyes/hair load first.


how do you merge? I got cosmetic compliation merging and added it to my data file but it still doesnt work. None of my characters have eyes and the amnihe race doesnt have eyes or ears either.

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You can merge mods with Wrye Bash.

You also have to fix your Archive Invalidation with OBMM.

Natural Weather is known to not work properly on certain systems and with certain other mods.

I think you should only use one of those: crowded cities 15 and crowded cities 30


Download the recommended tools, use them, read the pinned FAQs and read the readmes of the mods. And perhaps don't clutter your game with such an amount of mods at once. Just install a few at a time and see if they work properly.

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