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Can't change password


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edit: issue is FIXED


When I use nexusmods.com and go through "User area" > "Change your password" I get the "Email & Password" form on forums.exusmods.com. But changing the password there and press "Save changes" it just leads me to the "Sign in" page. Nothing is changed.

Clicking on "Email & password" in the forum area leads me directly to the "Sign in" page.

Whats wrong here? (Cookies and js are enabled and I don't get logged out in the process)

Edited by densfinest
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Hi densfinest. Though iI'm unable to recreate this problem, we're looking into this.

Perhaps you can let us know what browser you are using?

Does the problem still happen if you access "Email & password" directly from the following page when you are already logged in? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp


Please let me know, thanks!

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After deactivating my NoScript and Cookie Manager addons, I was able to change the password. Seems like one needs some additional third party cookie and/or script, that didn't show up for whitelisting.

Thanks for the answer nevertheless!


edit: reason was a buggy cookie manager addon, which has problems with https pages on latest firefox. Sorry for wrongfully accusing this site, I just haven't noticed this behavior beforehand.

Edited by densfinest
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