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Quest Start Issue and Graphics Glitch


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Graphics glitch started ever since I copied my saves files to my laptop and moved them back over to my desktop. No idea how to fix this, screenshot below. The location pictures, red blips, and stuff all clip randomly.

Second issue is with the quest Tactical Thinking. Quite honestly not sure how it happened, but for some reason, it wouldn't start when I talked to Kells. Tried a ton of console commands to no avail. Setstage would not work, startquest would not work, resetquest would not work, etc. Is there any way to force start a quest? I attached sqv and sqs of bos302b, it seems to be disabled?



Can anyone help me with this? I'm absolutely lost on how to fix these issues.

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console commands produce corrupted save games, which is beside the point, if you are not a developer, modder, or cheater you shouldn't be using them. Also the timescale will glitch out quests, but should be okay on 10 an 8 in theory waiting on further testing.

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First, I do use console commands to correct glitches and bugs rather than reloading or something. Mainly moveto player when companions/npcs are stuck on roofs/corners/clipped somewhere, also some tcl when I get stuck but that only happend a handful of times, etc. There was that one time I tried some console commands to try and allow me to complete The Lost Patrol because Danse wouldn't let me complete it since he became an ally, but I specifically saved before I tried anything.


What do you mean by timescale will glitch quests?

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Over the last 6 years, more an more the professional development side began to rely on gametime instead of realtime, but it replaced advanced actions of control mostly in timers that would cause quests to glitch out due to player action privious. One example is to set a 1 time scale an turn it to 20 when you want to save, an set it 1 again to go exporing again. Much different for quests which would only use a 8 or 10 minimum, 8 because of testing with the issue in FNV an Skyrim, 10 on FO4 because it's half the 20 original, not enough to glitch it out but more importantly on the zero sum as time will line up exactly half the amount as before, mathmatically zero sum or symmetrical if you will, twice the time, an a mod to set weather night darkness an starting light an dark at the correct times to which FO4 doesn't, blah blah blah an such. A test for this is just to start a new game, don't change anything don't use autosave or outright disable it, manually saving everytime which can be difficult to use, an avoiding all console commands until more information is known. Increasing havok threads to 5 could fix it, as the physics engine really comes alive at 5 in stress tests though many other tweeks wouldn't be released to this issue. However I will share the link for one of the most important things to do with FO4 steam forum post to make the game playable, an nowhere will we find a more precise development than on what a proper shooter game is, which is why the post is so good http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=551069501&tscn=1447077828

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