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Tweaks to Guild Quests


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I think it would be great if, for example, when you are doing the Companion's quest line, that Aela or Vilkas/Farkas could become the Harbinger instead of your own character. Like, if there was an option.


Maybe someone could get together with Grantyboy050 (the mod author for the amazing Immersive College of Winterhold) since their mod has this feature where you can elect Tolfdir to be ArchMage instead, if you wish.


What I'm asking for doesn't have to be like a whole remodel of the Thieves/Companions guilds like Grantyboy050 did for Winterhold (let's be honest though, *inserts Mage opinion* that College needed it). All I suggest is that someone make it possible to have someone else become the head of the guild rather than the Dragonborn.






Companions - Aela OR Vilkas OR Farkas (up to whoever creates the mod tbh)

Thieves - Brynjolf (although his character states how he doesn't want it) OR Delvin OR Vex


Just my two cents. hurhur :hurr:

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