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i need help making a simle, go here quest!


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hi guys,..


i need help with the quest part of my mod;

-how can i make it so that when you equip a certain item (a ring), it starts a quest that leads you to a certain destination...


a realy simple quest;

you equip your new ring, a message pops up saying "go here" (with a compass marker)...

which leads to another item (anything really, a key, for example), a quick message "you found the key" when u pick up the key, and thats it... quest over


please help me out guys,.. i looked at the quest section in the construction set, but it looks really confussing..

so again, if you can kill some time helping me out, you'd get some cool karma points...

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  • Open CS
  • Load Oblivion.esm
  • Wait for it to load, then go into the Quests tab.
  • Right click on the left (where you see a bunch of nonsense IDs; MS01, MS52, etc...) and select New
  • Type in the quest ID (such as MyQuest)
  • Then click the ID, and where it has a blank box on the top (white bar), type the quest name (such as Find the key!)
  • Click on the Stages tab on the top. Then, in the lines on the left (not the IDs), right click --> New. After, type in a number, for this, 10.
  • Type in the journal entry...
    Upon putting a strange ring on my finger, a fog came over my eyes. I saw a key, and the fog disappeared. Somehow, I know this key is in *place*. I should go and get it...

  • Then, click close. Go into the objects tab.
  • Go to Clothing, and expand it. Then click rings.
  • Double click any.
  • Change the ID (VERY IMPORTANT; ID is at the top left. For this, MyRing)
  • Change the name if you want.
  • Leave the weight and stuff alone, along with everything to the right.
  • If there is an enchantment (scroll box with list of enchantments near the bottom), remove it.
  • Two or so lines from the ID down, there is a script box. Click the square with "..." in it.
  • Go to File, and select New. (Do not mess with where it says Oject, unless you know what you're doing :P)
  • Insert something similar to this in the white part of the box.
    scn MyRingScript
    Begin OnEquip
           SetStage MyQuest 10 ;could be a different number, but as above, using 10

  • Hit the floppy disc icon, (Save) and close the window. Close the object window as well.
  • Now, find your object again (MyRing, if you're following this word to word :P) and double click it.
  • Where the drop box is next to the "..." box, click the arrow. Find your script (Again, if following this word-to-word, MyRingScript) and click it. It should be in the box.
  • Now, hit "Ok."
  • Place your ring wherever in the game world (IC Market District for this example)
  • Then, lets go to the MiscItem tab in the Objects window.
  • Expand it, and click keys.
  • Double click any, then do the same for it as you did the ring (change ID and name)
  • Click that "..." box again.
  • Click New again, and put this in there:
    scn MyKeyScript
    Begin OnAdd
            SetStage MyQuest 20 ;You have to make this by going back there... Next bullet.

  • Before hitting the floopy disc icon, go back to the quest window.
  • Find your quest, double click, and go to the stages tab again. Then make a new stage (in this script, 20) and type in a log.
    I have found the strange key from the day dream I had. I wonder what it is too...

  • Hit close, and go back to the script menu.
  • Hit the disc icon, and then close this window.
  • In the cell box, (not the Render Window, the gray one, or the one that displays the cells), either find an interior to put it in, or place it in the IC Green Emperor Way [for this example] to make life easy.
  • Forgot to mention earlier, to find the Market District, where it says Interiors, click that drop down box. Then scroll down until you find ICMarketDistrict01. Same for the Green Emperor Way, but I think its ICPalace01.... Not sure on that.
  • Anyways, put your key in there. Then, double click it in the Render Window, and where it says "Reference ID" at the top, put a ref, such as "MyKeyREF", and tick the box near the bottom saying "Persistent Reference".
  • Reopen the Quests tab, and navigate to your quest. Then go to the Quest Targets tab. Right click in there, it should say something like BLANK. Or DUMMY. Then, click that. Where it says "Select in Render Window", click it. Then with the red cursor that appears, go over your key. It should turn white. Click it. The thing will change from whatever it says (BLANK, DUMMY, whatever) to the MyKeyREF.
  • Close the Quest window.
  • On the top left of the CS, there is another floppy disc icon. Click it. Save your mod as whatever (My Key Quest for example), then go into the Oblivion Launcher and tick off the .esp in the Data Files part.
  • Playtest time!


Hope it isn't too confusing, I'm not too good with helping :P

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