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[WIP] Kragenir's Death Quest


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  Dark_Ansem said:
It looks like you have everything in your sights... I wonder if you need a plot writer, storyboarder... PM me if you want

Just before the screenshots and just after the progress bit you can see that all the quests have already been written. And Malchik is the writer.


Thanks for the offer anyway ;)

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Alright, as promised, the OOO/overhaul compatibility post. I will use OOO as an example in this post, but I think this counts for almost all overhaul mods.


Technically, OOO is compatible. If you run Kragenir's Death Quest together with OOO, both mods will function. Nothing will 'break'.


Kragenir's Death Quest is designed for a low level character, who gains levels during the quests. In vanilla oblivion, you won't find the quests easier at higher level (except for when you have to pay gold for example) but for the best experience a low level character who hasn't explored too much yet is recommended. You are going to visit a whole bunch of existing dungeons after all, and that's just one reason.


One of the first places you visit in the main quest is Fingerbowl Cave. But if you use OOO Fingerbowl Cave will be full of very strong monsters. This makes the main quest almost impossible if you start with a low level character.


Conclusion: Even though OOO is not technically incompatible, I don't recommend using it while playing this mod. If you want you can play the quests at a high level, but for the best experience you should use a low level character. It's your choice.

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Okay a couple of things.


Pov has major exams in 3 weeks so the modding is temporarily on hold but I am still working. The quests are complete but we have decided to make the rural locations less generic. I am not duplicating the effort put in by the Less Generic Morrowind guys but we will make sure everyone has three topics - place, personal info and rumours that are not the usual toot. If anyone knows the characters of rural Ob well enough to feel they can pass comment on my intended dialogue please PM me. I don't need proof readers, I have those here, but those who understand the characters of the NPCs I am adding stuff to.


As for the question of using kevelling mods - I agree that the mod is best for new or nearly new games and as such the levelling mods make it all but impossible. However I am currently experimenting by playing the OB quests only and seeing what level I can achieve with OOO without visiting our mod sites. I will get back with the results later but it may be possible as long as care is taken. The mod will not break by visiting mod sites earlier but a lot of the 'novelty' will wear off.

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Has anyone checked for copyright ownership of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". I don't think the "Snow White" character is public domain. Even the "Seven Dwarfs" concept may be copyrighted. It may be an idea to contact the owners of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and ask for permission to use the characters in your mod. They will likely agree if their product is asterisked by a copyright acknowledgement. If they say "NO" it's better to find out now, before your mod is published. :)
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The brothers Grimm have been dead for more than 75 years after which time copyright expires. Other references to living authors are present but not in any way as to present a copyright issue. Don't worry after MeMod I have been very careful.
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  • 3 months later...

Happy Birthday Kragenir's Death Quest! :D The project is now one year old. To celebrate that I'm bumping and updating the thread. I've updated the first post and added two new screenshots, more are coming soon.


The Deadly Sins part has now been finished, and I'm almost halfway through constructing the final tower. So the main quest is almost finished! About 25% of miscellaneous quests are done too.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't really have any news, I just wanted to get this back up again. :)


I said the Deadly Sins part was finished, but that wasn't entirely true. It still had to be tested and fixed. This has been done now, there's only one more quest to fix.


I've been working on the tower as well, but it's not done yet.

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