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Random gibberish

So the other day I was just thinking about the power armour and all its pre war greatness and it looked (in the cinematics) kind of like the guy in the power armour wasn't carrying much (well none of 'em were) so maybe those guys were carrying his 'gun bullets' or his FC's I mean how is he supposed to pop a new one back in. It doesn't look like the suit can do that, right?

Mod Idea.

So it would be really cool if there were some way your companion could be ordered to 'reload' your power armour. I think that would be a really cool thing to have and sort of immersive (except all that other s*** we are carrying right?). But yeah if that would at all be possible I would dig it.

Also if anything (forum wise) is off lemme know 'cause this is my first forum post. Quite historic.

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