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Pip boy replacers: cellphone or other ideas


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Newer felt that the pi-pboy simply look too clunky and ugly and heavy? How about replacing it with modern cellphone with highres art. Even pipboy is one of the high valued fo brand things is just uber awful thing that not even in immersion wise would never be possible with that age tech.


Or simply replace the pip-boy with kinda in brain chip hud bit like the powerarmor hud is but that you could call it with tab. Brainchip even it would not be historically explainable it would explain why the time stops when you access it with mere thoughts etc.. So that the time passes relatively slow around you.


Anyhooo please make good stuff that lets me get rid of that monstorosity thank you!



Edited by temporalpoporal
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I would love to see the Pipboy Readius come back, myself. Basically, what I wold like is a Kevlar wrapped arm band that held my pipboy, and the Pipboy slide into my had, whether it's the Pip 2500, or Readius, or even something else, and I can use it that way. Then when done, slides back in. I don't like the clunky, attempt at retro, version we have in Fallout 4, but something nice, streamlined, and can even be holographic, to a point, on the arm, would be really nice. And I want something on it that I can plug the Pipboy into a computer, and it can hack it, pull logs, and even holotapes. Even the pipboys from FO3 and NV look better than the clunky armband we get in Fallout 4.

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